Become A Member

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Please download and fill out our membership application below. Then, send your completed form to our email:

Directions: Clicking the above button will open a new tab on your browser. From there, you will be able to fill out the form. To save your completed form, right click the page and select “Save Page As…” and choose your save destination. Once saved, attach the document to an email and send it to to complete your membership. Thank you!

We are asking everyone who wishes to be a member or who is already a member of Citizens for Fair Fields (CFFF) to fill out and submit a form so that we have a written record of who its members are. CFFF is advocating for the defeat of the Eastern Cottontail’s Solar Project at the Ohio Power Siting Board on behalf of its members. The larger our membership, the more influence we will have in that case and with government officials. CFFF and some of its members have already paid the attorney fees for this case, so signing up for membership will not obligate you to make any payments to the organization.